Blog Posts
Top 10 Causes of Roof Leaks Part 2
Roof leak prevention is important for every homeowner, but you can’t prevent leaks if you don’t know what causes them. Roof leaks are one of the most common roofing problems that our experts run into here at Sargeant’s Roofing, and they can cause many other problems for your roof and your home. If you want…
Top 10 Causes of Roof Leaks Part 1
Roof leaks can cause a lot of damage, and the best way to prevent them is to understand what can cause them. When it comes to roof damage, almost nothing is more troublesome than roof leaks. Roof leaks are such a big problem because they can cause a whole host of other issues down the…
How to Spot Damage From Ice and Hail
Don’t Be Surprised by the Damage from Ice and Hail Later On. The last thing any homeowner wants is to have to pay for the damage caused by a problem that could have been prevented, but if you don’t watch out for signs of roof damage after your home has been hit by ice or…
Tips for Decorating Your Roof Without Damaging Your Roof
‘Tis the season to decorate your roof for the holidays, but there are certain precautions you should take to avoid damaging it. Can you believe that Christmas is just 10 days away? If you haven’t done so already, you are probably planning on getting on your roof and hanging beautiful holiday lights and decorations, and…
Icicles May be Pretty, But They Can Spell Trouble
Many people think of icicles as natural holiday decorations, but they could be an indicator of a serious roofing issue. Nothing can add a wintery touch to your home like icicles can, and while they may be beautiful, they can also be a sign of trouble. If there are a few small icicles hanging off…
Staying Safe While Hanging Holiday Decorations on Your Roof
It’s time to hang your holiday decorations again, but before you do, there are a few safety tips you’ll need to keep in mind. The holidays are here at last, and one of the best parts of the entire season is driving around and looking at all of the beautiful lights. While it’s always your…
The Most Common Roofing Issues
When it comes to your roof, it always pays to be prepared. No one wants to have to pay for roof repairs in Edmonton that they could have avoided, and as a homeowner, it always pays to be prepared, especially when it comes to your roof. However, if you don’t know what the potential problems…
Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Roof
How do you know when replacing your roof, instead of repairing it, is the right choice? When something goes wrong with your roof, if you’re like most people, you’d probably rather it get it repaired than replaced. Although it’s certainly much cheaper to get your roof repaired in most cases, it can actually end up being…
How Keeping Your Gutters Clean Protects Your Roof
When it comes to roof maintenance, cleaning out your gutters is incredibly important. Many people don’t clean their gutters as they should. In fact, it is one of the most overlooked roof maintenance tasks, probably because many people just don’t think that it’s important. No homeowner wants to have to pay for roof repairs or replacement…
How to Prepare Your Roof for Winter Part 3
Winter is a magical time of the year for many reasons, but it can be incredibly hard on your roof. There’s nothing cozier than sipping a cup of hot cocoa while you sit by the fire watching the snowfall outside. Winter can be an incredible time of the year for many reasons. But for all…